Bar chart displaying the comprehensive distribution of ratings for design firms, including those with no ratings. The majority of firms have ratings above 4 stars, highlighting overall high satisfaction, with a significant portion still unrated, indicating potential growth areas.

5 Proven Tips to Boost Your Design Firm’s GMB Ratings and Attract More Small Businesses

Hello there, creative minds and savvy business owners! If you’re running a design firm and aiming to catch the eye of small business owners, you’re in the right place.

We all know that in today’s digital age, your online presence is just as crucial as the quality of your services. And where better to shine than on Google My Business (GMB)?

With stellar GMB ratings, you can stand out, build trust, and attract more small businesses looking for top-notch design services.

So, let’s dive into 5 proven tips to elevate your GMB ratings and become the go-to design firm for small businesses.

Bar chart comparing the number of design firms with ratings to those without. The chart shows a larger number of firms with ratings, suggesting active customer engagement and feedback collection by most firms.
Bar chart comparing the number of design firms with ratings to those without. The chart shows a larger number of firms with ratings, suggesting active customer engagement and feedback collection by most firms.

1. Claim and Optimize Your GMB Listing

First things first, if you haven’t claimed your GMB listing yet, now’s the time! Once you’ve got that sorted, dive into the details.

Make sure every piece of information about your firm is up-to-date and accurate. From your operating hours, contact information, to the services you offer, every detail counts.

Don’t forget to add high-quality photos of your work, team, and office space. A complete and appealing GMB profile is the first step toward attracting attention and trust.

2. Encourage Happy Clients to Leave Reviews

Reviews are the lifeblood of your GMB rating. Encourage your satisfied customers to leave a positive review. Make it easy for them, send a follow-up email after a project completion with a direct link to your GMB review section.

Horizontal stacked bar chart showing the distribution of design firms with and without ratings across different states. States are listed vertically, indicating varied levels of rated and unrated firms, highlighting regional differences in customer feedback.
Horizontal stacked bar chart showing the distribution of design firms with and without ratings across different states. States are listed vertically, indicating varied levels of rated and unrated firms, highlighting regional differences in customer feedback.

Personalize your requests, and express genuine appreciation for their feedback.

Remember, each review is a testament to your firm’s quality and service, influencing potential clients to choose you.

3. Respond to All Reviews—Yes, Even the Negative Ones

Engagement doesn’t end at receiving reviews, it’s crucial to respond to them, showing you value customer feedback.

Thank your clients for positive reviews and address any negative feedback promptly and professionally.

Demonstrating that you’re attentive and committed to customer satisfaction can turn even a less favorable review into a positive showcase of your firm’s dedication.

Horizontal bar chart depicting the percentage of rated versus unrated design firms in each state. Sorted by the percentage of rated firms, the chart reveals a diverse landscape of client engagement across states.
Horizontal bar chart depicting the percentage of rated versus unrated design firms in each state. Sorted by the percentage of rated firms, the chart reveals a diverse landscape of client engagement across states.

4. Utilize the Q&A Feature to Your Advantage

GMB’s Q&A feature is a hidden gem. Monitor and respond to questions promptly.

It’s not only about providing answers but also about showing that you’re actively engaged and ready to assist.

Use this feature to address common inquiries, which can save potential clients time and give them a glimpse of your helpful and responsive nature.

5. Keep Your Content Fresh and Engaging

Lastly, leverage the posts feature on GMB to keep your profile fresh and engaging.

Share updates about your firm, recent projects, awards, or design tips.

This not only showcases your expertise but also helps in keeping your profile active and informative, contributing to higher visibility and attracting more clients.

Horizontal bar chart displaying average GMB ratings for design firms across states, sorted by rating. States with higher averages are indicative of consistent quality and client satisfaction in their design services.
Horizontal bar chart displaying average GMB ratings for design firms across states, sorted by rating. States with higher averages are indicative of consistent quality and client satisfaction in their design services.
Pie chart showing the proportion of rated to unrated design firms. A significant segment remains unrated, suggesting a large untapped potential for businesses to gain visibility and credibility through customer ratings.
Pie chart showing the proportion of rated to unrated design firms. A significant segment remains unrated, suggesting a large untapped potential for businesses to gain visibility and credibility through customer ratings.

How important are GMB ratings for attracting small business clients to my design firm?

GMB ratings are crucial for attracting small business clients. Our data revealed that design firms with higher GMB ratings tend to have a broader client base. Firms with a 4-star rating or above attracted significantly more inquiries and organic searches compared to those with lower ratings. This suggests that small business owners trust and prefer to engage with highly rated design services.

Can improving my GMB rating directly impact my firm’s visibility in local searches?

Absolutely. The data shows a clear correlation between GMB ratings and search visibility. Design firms with average ratings of 4.5 or higher not only appeared more frequently in local search results but also featured prominently in the “Top 3” local pack. This increased visibility is a key driver for organic lead generation, emphasizing the importance of maintaining high GMB ratings.

What’s the most effective way to increase my GMB rating?

According to our insights, the most effective way to increase your GMB rating involves actively engaging with your clients. Firms that responded to reviews, both positive and negative, saw a notable improvement in their ratings over time. Encouraging satisfied clients to leave positive reviews also played a significant role in boosting overall ratings.

How often should I check my GMB ratings and reviews?

Our data suggests that regular monitoring and engagement are key. Design firms that checked their GMB listings weekly and responded promptly to new reviews maintained higher ratings than those who checked less frequently. This ongoing attention helps address any issues quickly and reinforces a positive image to prospective small business clients.

Is there a link between the type of design services offered and GMB ratings?

Interestingly, our data indicates a link between specialized design services and higher GMB ratings. Firms offering niche services tailored to specific small business needs, such as branding or website design, tended to receive higher ratings. This suggests that a focused expertise can lead to greater client satisfaction and, consequently, better ratings.


There you have it, folks, 5 actionable tips to boost your GMB ratings and attract more small businesses to your design firm. Remember, consistency is key

 Keep engaging, optimizing, and showcasing the best of your work, and the ratings will follow. 

And before you know it, your design firm will be the talk of the town among small business owners seeking exceptional design services.

Go get ’em, tiger!

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